Haha, Kanye West is full of himself and funny! See what he had to say about the open spot for the king of pop! Check this out.
Kanye West:
"You know everyone loves and respects Michael but times change. It's so sad to see Michael gone but it makes a path for a new King of Pop and I'm willing to take that on,".
Why does he deserve that title? Maybe King of Hip Hop, but c'mon, Prince isn't dead yet! Prince was Michael Jackson's rival, so since he is no longer alive, I think it would respectfully go to him.
"There's nobody who can match me in sales and in respect so it only makes sense for me to take over Michael's crown and become the new King."
Last I checked, Michael Jackson didn't crown himself the king of pop, the media did!
"First there was Elvis, then there was Michael, now in the 21st century it's Kanye's time to rule. I have nothing but respect for Michael but someone needs to pick up where he left off and there's nobody better than me to do that. I am the new King of Pop."
I wonder how long he's been waiting to announce himself as the king of pop!