Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
New Joss Stone
"Free Me" by Joss Stone
This is the first single off her upcoming album :Colour Me Free", in stores October 20th.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Dude, this is going to be one of the top grossing movies ever!
Check out the promo for Michael Jackson's "This Is It" movie.
Get your tissues ready for October 28th!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
He's at it, again!
Check out the video below as he interupts Taylor Swift to applaud Beyonce on her music video.
Jay Z, along with many other performers, performed at Madison Square Gardens for the unfortunate people who were victims of 9/11.
I think this is Rihanna's first major performance since the blowout between her and Chris Brown.
And, no one can touch Kanye's music!
She'll kill you!
If I knew I didn't say it and was accused of lying, I would've walked off, too.
Check out the video below!
What do you think?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Check out the video of Joe Wilson, a rep. of North Carolina, as he interupts Barack Obama during his speech.
He's got some big balls!
Mark: 1:15
Kate is Enough: The Kate Gosselin Story
Watch as Kathy Griffin impersonates them in Kate is Enough: The Kate Gosselin Story
(NOTE: I'm in no way trying to degrade them, I just found the video to be funny!)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A few weeks ago there was a big media frenzy about who's going to replace Paula Abdul on American Idol!
They had guest stars from Victoria Beckham to Mary J. Blige. But, now they've finally chose a concrete judge that will replace her on the show.
It'll be Ellen Degeneres!
Check out the video of her announcement above!
One question! Shouldn't someone with atleast a little musical talent or background be chosen?
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Just curious, if there was a danceoff between these two dancers, which one would win?
Check out both videos, above and below.
Haha, is she serious?
At the 2009 MDA Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon Charo took a stab at Rihanna's single "Please Don't Stop The Music".
This is like a spanish William Hung!
Just in case you for got who William Hung is, let me refresh you memory!
Okay, I didn't watch the entire thing until I posted it! But, now I'm thinking she was drunk!
PLEASE, watch the ENTIRE thing! HILARIOUS!
Tear drops on her (stage)

YES!YES!YES! This should be good!
It must be hard having to listen to your dead brothers songs over and over and over and over during rehearsals.
She is supposed to have 20 backup dancers! And, according to a dancer involved in the show, there "won't be a dry eye in the house" by the end of the performance.
I will find a way to watch it!
Will you be watching the VMA's this sunday?
FYI: The title is from Taylor Swift song Tear Drops on My Guitar.
Dreams do come true!
MAN! I always wanted to take a tour of Rob Dyrek's factory!
I don't know, maybe I'm weird but I tend to be interested in seeing how celebrities live, work and do what they do, I guess.
I want to tour Run's House so badly! I know they wouldn't post it like he did cause then they wouldn't have any privacy, but I think it would be cool.
Or, Russell Simmons offices or any major headquarters/factory/corporation in LA or NYC! And, not in the format they show MTV Cribs because its to professional/scripted and you don't get to see the entire thing.
I would like to take a day to just run around the place.
And, the video would've been nicer minus those kids. :)
Check out the video above.
I have no clue why this cuts off half of the video. So, here's the link:
And, I have no clue why it says unavailable sometimes!
The Senator of Minnesto, Al Franken, is not only good at politics but he has an artisic ability.
Check out the video as he draws all 50 states from memory.
I know I could draw the outline of America, but not each individual state, too! wow.
His next task is to draw the exact image, at the same speed of the video, without it being fast foward! Impossible?
Kid Kudi Fan?
If you happen to be a huge fan of Kid Cudi, check out the September 17th issue of RollingStone Magazine.
They have a one page article on him and its awesome. They talk about everything from how he made his big break all the way to the death of his father when he was 11 yrs old.
Wow, I have a good camera!
New Diggy Simmons
"She Don't Want a Man" by Diggy Simmons
Alright, I know i'm about a week late with posting this song, but here's why!
When I first heard the song on someone's page about a week ago I was like, turn it off! Why? I dont know. I should've listened to the entire song before I judged it. But, I never bad-mouthed it or anything, I just left it alone.
So, I went on this dudes page again, and the song came on, blasting! So, I was steady trying to find where I could hit the pause bottom so I could just turn it off and do what I got to do. But, couldn't find it! haha. So, instead I just turned it down.
Then, after about a minute, I was like, this song is actually pretty hot! hmm, pretty catchy.
So, the songs a hit!
Towards the end, it gets kinda dry because he some-what stops rapping for like 45 seconds but besides that the song is HOT! And, I like how they emphasized the bass guitar at the very end of the song.
But now the question is, which version of the song is better?
Asher Roth or Diggy Simmons?
I think Diggy! It sounds fuller, and I like the auto-tune in his voice.
hm, what Jojo thinking?
By the way, since I mentioned auto-tuned, Chris Brown's new album Graffiti was leaked and majority of the album was auto-tuned! FYI it was rated only 1/5 stars from RollingStones Magazine September 17th issue.
Is he going to be able to make a "come back"? We'll all have to see?
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009

My place of employment!
I love this store, and my discount! :)
And, we've reached 50 followers! Thank you all for being faithfull and continuously checking what I've posted! Tommy The Fashionist was my 50th follower! Check his blog out:
Now, lets aim for 100! Invite your friends and everyone else you know!
Friday, September 4, 2009
This Is It

The Jackson clan and friends came together once more last night at Forest Lawn cemetary to pay their respects.
Jackson’s family, including his mother Katherine and father Joe, his siblings, and his three children Prince Michael, Paris, and Prince Michael II, also known as Blanket, were driven to the memorial park in a fleet of Rolls Royce limousines - arriving over an hour late for the planned 7pm (local time) start.
The star’s close friends including Macaulay Culkin and his girlfriend Mila Kunis, actor Chris Tucker, and Elizabeth Taylor attended the outdoor ceremony, which saw around 200 guests seated on white chairs on the lawns outside the crypt and signing a book of condolence for the fallen King of Pop.
Taylor was left devastated by her close friend’s death and refused to attend his public memorial service because she didn’t want to be part of the “whoopla,” but agreed to attend the private ceremony on Thursday.
Jackson’s ex-wife Presley also turned out to honour her late former husband.
Aretha Franklin and Gladys Knight were both reportedly ask to sing at the tribute, ahead of Jackson’s $30,000 gold casket being lowered into a concrete burial pit close to stars including Clark Gable, Jean Harlow and his idol Walt Disney.
Security was tight at the service, with police setting up a wide perimeter around the park to stop fans getting anywhere near the private ceremony. Helicopters with thermal imaging devices also circled overhead to detect any unwanted intruders.
Two fans reportedly attempted to gatecrash the event in the hours leading up to the service, but they were swiftly apprehended by security guards and then removed by police, according to Sky News.
The family reportedly planned to hold a private celebration following the service at an Italian restaurant in Pasadena, California.
Brown VS. Winfrey

He replied:
"I commend Oprah on being like, 'This is a problem,' but it was a slap in my face. I did a lot of stuff for her, like going to Africa and performing for her school. She could have been more helpful, like, 'Okay, I'm going to help both of these people out.'"
oohh, performing for Oprah in Africa in a really big favor for one of the richest people in the world!
Oprah's reps then said:
"Oprah is very appreciative that Chris Brown performed at her school but she takes domestic abuse very seriously. She hopes he gets the counseling he needs."
Go Girl!

It's a somewhat new product called GoGirl!
Check out the video link:
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Can you hear it now
It's a hard knock life

Check it out:
At 13 he was selling crack. By 30 he was a hip-hop legend—having gone, in his words, “from grams to Grammys.” Now Jay Z charts his escape from the hard-knock life, describes the reunion that healed the wounds of his childhood—and even reveals the standing Sunday date he has with what’s her name.
The complete interview will be available in the October 2009 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine, on newsstands September 15th. Get a first look right here.
Oprah: So tell me how you got into the drug dealing.
Jay-Z: It was natural.…
Oprah: Because drug dealers were your role models. There wasn’t a teacher or a lawyer or a nurse or a doctor or an accountant in the neighborhood?
Jay-Z: Well, we were living in Marcy by then, so, no. And if anyone did become something like that, they moved out. They never came back to share the wisdom of how they made it. If anyone made it, you never knew it. That’s why I’ve always said that if I became successful, I’d come back here, grab somebody, and show him how it can be done.
Oprah: So by the time you were 13, this was a way of life. Did the lifestyle frighten you?
Jay-Z: No. It was normal. And at some point, you become addicted to the feeling. The uncertainty and adrenaline and danger of that lifestyle.
Oprah: This is where we differ. This is where we differ. Because I’d be very scared! Weren’t you shot at three times—within six feet—and you lived to talk about it?
Jay-Z: That was divine intervention. Divine intervention, and nobody knowing how to shoot.
Oprah: What happened in each situation?
Jay-Z: It was one situation, three shots.
Oprah: So he was a bad shot.
Jay-Z: Well, no one really practices shooting a TEC-9 machine gun, right? And when you’re a kid, with little bony arms—no wonder nobody could aim.
Oprah: Many of the little boys who grew up in the Marcy projects are either in jail or dead. Why do you think you got to grow up and buy your mom a house?
Jay-Z: There’s the gift, there’s the spirit, and there’s the work—all three have to come together. If one of those things is off, it can stop you from becoming who you were meant to be.
Oprah: When I met you a few years ago, we discussed our disagreement over the use of the N word and misogynist lyrics in rap music. Do you believe that using the N word is necessary?
Jay-Z: Nothing is necessary. It’s just become part of the way we communicate. My generation hasn’t had the same experience with that word that generations of people before us had. We weren’t so close to the pain. So in our way, we disarmed the word. We took the fire pin out of the grenade.
About the wedding.
Oprah: Do you and Beyoncé have a pact that you just won’t talk about each other?
Jay-Z: Yeah. When you’re a public person, you have to keep some things to yourself, or else people will just—
Oprah: Eat it up. I know. But can I ask how in the world you kept your wedding a secret?
Jay-Z: Late planning!
Oprah: How many people knew?
Jay-Z: Very few. The sad part is that we offended some. But people who love you understand. Because at the end of the day, it’s your day.
Oprah: So here we are, talking on a Sunday afternoon. If you weren’t sitting here with me, what would you be doing?
Jay-Z: I’m gonna get killed for this, but I’ll tell you anyway. There’s a great pizza spot we go to every Sunday. It’s our tradition. It’s a small place in Brooklyn, you can bring your own wine, and there are candles there. It’s a nice date.
Chris Brown's interview with Larry King on Larry King Live.
Check it out just incase you missed it!

Well incase you missed it, here it is:
Audrina Patridge, Heidi Montag's fellow cast mate from The Hills didn't have nice words to say about her performance.
"I feel like Heidi, you know, she's doing it for fun, where a lot of singers and people, they work their ass off, and they actually have amazing voices and they can really sing and perform, and I feel like a lot of people don't get to experience what Heidi has, going on in front of a billion people and perform on TV," says Ceiling Eyes. "I just don't think she's taking it that serious, and that's what's kind of disappointing for me, for music lovers out there."
"Hii Heidi,
I want to apologize for what seems like a very negative comment that I made about you over the weekend. It was taken entirely out of context and twisted completely. I would NEVER speak like that about you to the press, and I’m actually truly impressed with your performance and all of the hard work that you’ve put towards your career. Not that it matters at this point because the press have taken it to another level, but I was at a press junket and the journalist asked me if I could sing…I laughed and said that I was NO Mariah Carey. They asked me what I thought about your performance and I told them I knew you were having a blast and working very hard and that you had an amazing opportunity to perform on TV in front of a huge audience. The journalist asked me if I would ever do a record, and I laughed it off and said something along the lines of 'no, I think I’d offend people in the industry who can really sing.' It was NEVER intended to be a jab towards you – I was talking about my own lack of vocal skills. Ugh. I’m so sorry."
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
New Chris Brown
"I Can't Let You Go" by Chris Brown featuring Bow Wow and Pleasure P
Is this song referring to Rihanna?
New Donnie Klang
"Stuck in My Head" by Donnie Klang
Why does Diddy have to be on every track from his record label. He just has to have his two seconds of fame and still someone elses spot light. It's very annoying!
The song was produced by Ansane.
It's the first official single from his upcoming sophomore album.
We haven't head Diddy promoting Donnie Klang album since he's been promoting Last Train to Paris, along with his two reality show, Making His Band and Diddy's Starmaker.
New Mario
"Thinkin' About You" by Mario
This song will be off of his fourth studio album, D.N.A. which is set to be released on October 13th.
The new track was produced by Miami natives, The Runners and was penned by Rico Love. The rest of the album features productions from Bangladesh, The Dream, Sean Garrett, Eric Hudson and more.
New Brandy
"Supreme" by Brandy
“Supreme” was produced by the Norwegian duo, Stargate, who are also responsible for hits like “Irreplaceable,” and many more.
New Dirty Money
"Love Come Down" by Dirty Money
Dirty is the new group that Diddy made up which consists of him, Dawn Richard and Kaleena.
The track is off of Diddy’s upcoming album "Last Train To Paris". You can expect to hear more tracks from them on the anticipated new album soon.
Im not sure if I'm really feeling this song, but the beat is hot!
Leaked.. .. .. .. ..
Jay Z talked to MTV about his album being leaked almost two weeks before the release date.
Check it out about.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Portable Ipod
Let's Go Communists!
What is wrong with Aubrey O'Day!
Yesterday, on Sean Hannity's Fox show, US Representative Diane Watson praised communist dictator Fidel Castro when talking about health care and called him a "brilliant leader."
Aubrey O'Day then agreed and actually defended Castro, calling him brilliant herself. She claims she's met him before! haha.
Check out the video above!
Check out what Aubrey O'Day had to say in her defense to the comment she said on national television about Hitler and Castro:
"I learned today that it's difficult to have an opinion and that's a shame…It's unfortunate that we focus more on disgusting, ridiculous behaviors instead of, you know, applauding…a 25-year-old popstar liberal to have the courage to go on Fox News against three 60-year-old Republicans and have an opinion."
We're back!

"It will definitely happen," says Michelle Williams about the group reuniting next year. "We're sisters, we love each other and we want to work on the future of Destiny's Child."
Is it because Michelle Williams and Kelly Rowland aren't doing well and need the help of Beyonce?
Man! They had my hopes up!
Looks like they won't be getting back together! :(
Check out what Michelle Williams had to say on her Twitter:
"I never said DC is getting back together. Just bcuz (sic) I said we love each other and are sisters… they took that quote and ran with it! Sorry”